Tinkercad - web-based 3D drawing tool
Tinkercad Tutorials: U-Tube Instruction Videos - Very Good
Tinkercad Manual & Tutorial online
Keyboard Shortcuts
Moving Object (s):
- ←/ ↑/ →/ ↓ = Move an object along ground plane (X/Y Plane)
- ctrl+ ↑/ ↓ = Move an object up or down (Z plane)
- Shift+ ←/ ↑/ →/ ↓ = Move an object 10X faster along ground plane (X/Y Plane)
- ctrl+ Shift+ ↑/ ↓ = Move an object 10X faster up or down (Z plane)
- Shift + drag = moves object in only one direction
- D = Drop selected object(s) to workplane
Press and Hold the keyboard keys and then click/drag mouse for the below shortcuts…
- Shift + Right click = Pan view
- Alt+ left mouse button = Duplicate object(s)
- Shift+ left mouse button = Select more than one object
- Shift+ hold while rotating = 45 degree rotations
Helpful object action shortcuts…
- ctrl + C = Copy an object or selected objects
- ctrl+ V = Paste an object or objects
- ctrl+ Z = Undo action or actions
- ctrl + Y = Re-do an action or actions
- ctrl + D = Duplicate object or objects in place
- ctrl+ G = Group objects
- ctrl+ shift+ G = Un-group grouped objects
- Del = delete an object or objects
Object Options: Select object(s) and then perform the following action(s)…
- T = Transparency Toggle
- H = Make an object or objects a hole
- S = Make an object or objects a solid
- ctrl + L = Lock or unlock selected objects
- ctrl + H = Make an object hidden
- ctrl + shift + H = Make all hidden objects visible again
Change the size of an object:
- Alt + click and drag side handle = Scale in one direction
- Alt + click and drag corner handle = Scale in two directions
- Shift + click and hold corner handle = Uniform Scale
- Alt + Shift + click and hold corner handle = Uniform scale from center
Tools and Views
- W = Create new workplane
- L = Align tool
- R = Ruler tool
- M = Flip tool
- F = A better view of selected objects
- Ctrl + A = select all visible shapes